Monday, August 18, 2008


HAY FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!
Have livestock or horses......Not sure what they will be eating this winter. We have high quality grass hay for sale.
  • 1,000 lb round bales
  • Will Load; You Haul
  • 1 Ton minimum


Contact me if you are interested or know anyone else who may be in need of some hay.


I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of working on the weekends but when going to work is this exciting.....How can I resist. I love the days when I get to hang out with a great friend, hear the latest Paradise Valley gossip from the old men and meet fun and not so fun tourists. On Sunday at the Fly Shop I got to................................

See bear POO up close. There must have been a visitor looking for leftovers out on the porch the night before.
Watch Brooke get a fly stuck real bad in her finger while demonstrating to some visiting New Yorkers the 'easy' way to tie a fly on the line. Those guys did not know what to do. They stood and watched for awhile as Brooke unsuccessfully tried to remove the fly from her finger. I finally just gave them a new fly (Brooke was using one that they had just purchased) and assured them that she would be fine. Brooke was forced to wear the accessory as we closed up the shop and all the way back to town so that Peter could remove it for her. She was a trooper and really didn't freak out........I would have!!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Fish On"

My bro went floating/fishing with G and I Sunday morning. I had a great time with my 2 favorite men on the river. They both take very good care of me.
It looks like he doesn't have any clothes me, he is wearing shorts.

I can't wait for baby Karmella

My bestie from PHS is having a baby girl in November. Ashley and Austin live in Las Vegas. They were able to make a trip back home so that we could all celebrate her pregnancy together. Auntie Gus (Krystal-Austin's sister) was able to pull together a beautiful shower. We all ate, talked, opened gifts and ate some more. All in all a very fine day.
I miss Ash and Auz very much with them living SO far away. The day will not come soon enough when they move closer to home. They are two of the most wonderful people and I am very blessed to have them in my life.