Thursday, May 29, 2008


One more thing. There is a coyote den in one of the hay fields and 9 little coyote pup live there with their mama. As soon as I have pics I will show you just how cute they are. -We want to trap one and keep it as a pet dog.......shhhhhhhhh.


I have really been neglecting the blogging lately. Still no pics. I have not downloaded pics from my camera in weeks. But let me think......What is going on here?
We tore down the old garden fence and drove ten 12foot posts. They are now ready for some fencing and a gate. Working on that project this weekend I think. We spent last weekend getting ready for our ranch owners to arrive for a few weeks. They are here now. Which means nothing more than Fisher has to stay inside during the day even though the weather is good because he is a bark-aholic now that he can't hear much. I was really looking forward to Fisher spending his days outside now that winter is over. He is quite the hair machine and I am tired of vacuuming EVERY evening. But really, the weather has not been that great. Rain, rain and more rain. Even hail, thunder and lightening last night....which I do not like at all! I have started my internship and even get my FIRST client of my own today!!! Watch out! Have a wonderful warm weekend.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have not had a minute to blog lately. It is weird being this busy. Good, but I didn't realize how much time I really had to do whatever I wanted. I have not had that for awhile.
Anyway, I just wanted to say how much I LOVE DAVID COOK and how happy I am that he is now our AMERICAN IDOL. G started calling little David Archuleta... ArchaLOSER on Tuesday night as we frantically called in our votes for David Cook. We have never voted on any other night but we were not going to sit by and let America listen to Simon and give the prize to Archaloser.
I am wondering if the judges didn't already know the results and if that is why Simon had such a change of heart last night and gave Cook the coveted apology.
I can't wait to buy his music. I already have a few of his songs from this season on my Ipod.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I must have ADD. Either that or I really am addicted to the Internet. Scary thought! I am sitting in my ACT training and playing with my web cam and the Internet. Who's idea was it to let us have our computers in front of us?? That was a bad plan.

This is me pretending to pay attention while trying out my web cam which I have never used before today. Notice that there is no one behind me...That's right. I still sit in the back of the room.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First steps in a good direction...Yay ME!

Here I am in beautiful Helena, MT......The capitol city of this great state. I am here not because I love to stay alone in a hotel room or because I have a desire to eat all of my meals alone...<-Some of my LEAST favorite things to do. I am here attending ACT (Assessment Course Treatment) training. For all of you law abiding citizens out there the ACT class is what a person is sentenced by a judge to complete when convicted of a DUI. Second to filling out applications, writing letters of inquiry and getting official transcripts mailed in the right directions this is my first step towards my new career. Becoming a Licensed Addictions Counselor. My prevention position has yet to be filled but I was informed two days ago that I will be starting my internship next Monday. I am really excited to move into a new office (on the other side of the building) and settle into my new 'therapeutic' space. As Brooke I am sure can attest; my old office is filled with a bunch of random stuff. And I will be happy to be moving on and passing that space onto the newbie. I will start on Monday by sitting in on a few 1:1 sessions with another counselor, attending staffing in the mornings and sitting in on IOP (intensive out patient) groups, ACT classes and MIP classes. At first I will mostly be working on my notes skills. Documentation is a big deal and not a lot of fun so of course this is where I will start. But I am really getting excited. I really know the ins and outs of DUI/MIP/possession laws in MT now so any ??s.......just ask. Yay ME!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh Kitty.

I have to admit. You really have had me very worried about you. That pack of 3 coyotes who seem to have taken up residence close by have me nervous. They seem to be getting more and more brave. Each time that we see them they are closer to the house. And when you didn't come for 2 days...well; I was quite scared for you.
Now I do understand what a little bad ass you are and just how tough you are but I am still not sure that you would be able to take on 3 hungry coyotes and make it back home. And I know that this is not the first time that you have taken off on some wild adventure for a few days and you do always make it home safely. But that was before those coyotes moved into the neighborhood. Or at lease before they decided that they really don't need to hide themselves from us.
Fisher almost lost his voice the other morning letting those coyotes know that they are not welcome. They were all just hanging out in the field right below the house. He really hates coyotes. But I think that he was also a little worried about you. Even though he would never admit it.
G was also very worried about you. He called me right away last night when he got home and found you hungry and ready to come in. I was in a meeting but he just wanted to let me know that you were safe.
I guess I am just trying to tell you that even little bad ass kitty's have to be careful. Especially with those mangy mutts running around. They are nasty and not someone to play with. So be careful. We would be very sad if you quit coming home. I lost my little duckies to the neighbor mama fox last year and that was hard enough.