Monday, November 17, 2008

I love it when I have a weekend free from work!

I love watching Food Network while relaxing on the couch on a Fri night, G cutting me enough firewood for the weekend, eating leftovers and falling asleep to a movie, no alarms, quick trip to Boz for shopping and soup shack, a long wandering hike on BMR, the sweet pea trail, Rosa's Pizza and Oliver at the FireHouse5 Playhouse, coffee and rice crispy treats, no alarms, snuggling, chores, grocery shopping, cleaning, snacking, laundry, cooking, baking, warm fire all day, eating, watching shows and waking up Monday morning feeling good about the house, the ranch and my week to come.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you decided to have some you time. You deserve it! Love you, Sarah

HeatherRenea said...

that sounds amazing!! xoxo

hub of the house said...

sounds like avery lovely weekend!!!

Trish said...

Wow, great blog ... that does sound like a wonderful weekend. I'm in the midst of one of those for myself. It's nice to learn even more about you - I didn't know you had a blog!