Wednesday, November 24, 2010


we got more than 17inches of snow at the ranch in less than a week and i don't think the temp has risen above ZERO. i of course forgot my camera to show you but watch the weather channel...Bozeman, MT was on there this morning for record freezing weather...... -20!

Tomorrow is what am I grateful for?
-The BIG beautiful blue sky that I live under.....even in freezing weather the sky was beautiful coming into town this morning.
-Wood burning stoves.....yes, we do have electric heat but there is nothing like the warmth of a wood burning stove.
-Being well equipt....I love being able to feel ready for whatever mother nature has in mind for us here and the adventures that we are faced with; while sometimes frustrating are often really fun.
-My neighborhood and my community........yesterday there were 2 people stuck on our road and there were 3 vehicles (including us) immediately to get them out. Although our closest 'neighbor' is at least 1/4 of a mile away and we can go weeks; even months without any more communication than a wave everyone is there to help each other out. Livingston is the same way, it is small and people really care about each other. Not necessarily because we all know each other well but because we are all a part of a community that is important to all of us.
-My new AWD.........enough said.
-My is consistent, reliable and it allows me to make connections with people who I would otherwise never know.
-The on 1,000 acres is Paradise Valley really is PARADISE!
-Snow removal equipment.......plowing for hours can be fun if you let it.
-Horsecicles, pupcicles and kittycicles........they are going stir crazy right now!
-The snow.....I am really looking forward to the snow this year. Skiing, both xcountry and yes, maybe even downhill. I am planning to take some lessons as long as I don't wuzzzzz out; I am the loser who grew up in MT and never learned how to downhill ski. I am hoping that this is the year that all changes.
-Drift fence and the boy who puts it up for us ;)......who knew that such ugly fence could be such a lifesaver.
-YNP.......I am going to spend more time exploring it...this is a promise to myself.

Did you notice that there has been no mention of G, my family or my friends. Well I feel like it goes without saying that the people in my life bring me the most gratitude. But today, the day before Thanksgiving I am going to focus on the not so obvious things. Besides, I will spend all of tomorrow with those special people, doing what we do will see.....I'm not gonna lie-It is great to be an Isaly! xxoo

1 comment:

hub of the house said...

Love the snowy house photo!!!!!