Monday, March 21, 2011

Check Them Out!

I realize I may not have any readers at this point since I haven't blogged for months. But this is blogworthy no matter how long it has been. Amy and Chris Thompson (see their blog here....The Thompsonheads....) have begun the process of starting their family through open adoption. They live in Athens, Georgia now but I met Amy at MSU. They are kind and generous and thoughtful and deserve to have the family that they dream about. Please, if in any aspect of your life you come across someone thinking about open adoption or who knows someone else looking into adoption options please think of Amy and Chris and pass on their website information...The Thompson's Adoption Site...... Help them in creating their family!!

Thank you from my heart and theirs.

Also, if you would like to follow their adoption is their Adoption Blog :) I know I will be!

1 comment:

Chris and Amy said...

Thanks Jacqueline!!