Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keep Calm and Carry On

Another thing that I couldn't wait to put up in my office when I first moved into it was this Keep Calm and Carry On poster. I stole the Idea from Brooke who has it up in her house. I know that there is also a story as to where she got hers. Bottom Line is that I LOVE it and really feel that it is perfect for my office. I read it myself every day and try to keep that thought in my mind. There is something about it that is very soothing for me in my life.
Anyway, I have had it up for about 4 months and NO ONE has ever commented on it before which is surprising to me. Well the poster is ignored no longer. I had the sweetest little 8 year old girl in my office yesterday.....little sis of a client. As she sat in my over sized black leather chair (which she also loved) she read the poster out loud to herself and said......'That is a really nice song, I mean, not song, words'. Such kindness and innocence. It spoke to her just as it speaks to me each day. She made my world yesterday.
She also said that for helping her bro she was going to give my wealth greater than money and 1,000 dollars when she becomes a rich model. Gotta love that!

1 comment:

hub of the house said...

Keep Calm Carry On is my fav!!!!